Saturday, December 5th: 4:00 – 6:00 pm and 6:30 – 9:00 pm
The forum on cardiomyopathies will be presented over two sessions. Cardiomyopathy is an umbrella including a number of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders. However, it is possibly one of the most promising CV diseases to use a precision medicine approach.
The first session called “Mechanistically Targeted Therapy in Cardiomyopathies” will be chaired by Dr. Iacopo Olivotto, and Dr. Sanjiv Shah. Dr. Olivotto is the Head of the Cardiomyopathy Unit at the Careggi University Hospital in Florence, Italy, and a principal investigator with the Sarcomeric Human Cardiomyopathy Registry (SHaRe). Dr. Shah, is the Director of the T1 Center for Cardiovascular Therapeutics and Director of the HFpEF Program at Northwestern University School of Medicine in Chicago, IL, USA.
This session will focus on the role of a targeted, precision medicine approach to NHCM, OHCM, and HFpEF, as well as therapeutic options and future opportunities in cardiomyopathy. We will discuss the EXPLORER-HCM and ARISE-HF trials. Additional speakers include: Carolyn Ho (Boston, USA), Marty Maron (Boston,USA), Dan Jacoby (Yale, USA), Faiez Zannad (Nancy, FRA), and Thibaud Damy (Paris, FRA). Stayed logged-on for the moderated multi-stakeholders debate and learn more about this rapidly advancing field.
The second session “Path to Approval and Implementation of Cardiomyopathy Drugs” will be chaired by Dr. Scott Solomon, the Edward D. Frohlich Distinguished Chair, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Director of Noninvasive Cardiology and Senior Physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, USA.
This session will focus on the regulatory path to approval for drugs to treat cardiomyopathies with presentations from members of the US FDA (Norman Stockbridge), and the EMA (to be confirmed). We will also hear viewpoints from industry (Fady Malik (Cytokinetics, USA), Riccardo Perfetti (Applied therapeutics, USA), Willem Van Weperen (Myokardia, NED)), payers (Martin Cowie (NICE, GBR), TBD (ICER, USA), Christian Thuillez (HAS, France)), and patients (Lisa Salberg (HCMA, USA), and Juddson Rupp (Charlotte, USA)).
Don’t forget to stay tuned for the moderated, multi-stakeholder, expert panel debate to learn more about how we can facilitate access to essential treatments for our patients.