Understanding and Interpreting the Results of SGLT2i Trials in CKD
Thursday, December 3rd: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) also known as gliflozins, are a novel category of oral antidiabetic drugs to lower plasma glucose levels. Despite a growing body of evidence demonstrating that these agents have beneficial effects on both CV and kidney outcomes, there remain questions around interpretation of discrepant results across the trials. Are all agents created equal for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD)? Are the kidney benefits a class effect? Do individual agents have different effects on different endpoints? How do I choose which agent to use?
Learn answers to these questions and more in this session being chaired by Prof. Patrick Rossignol, the Deputy Director of Nancy Plurithematic Clinical Investigation center (CIC)-Inserm in France, and Dr. Katherine Tuttle, the Executive Director for Research at Providence Health Care, in Spokane, WA, USA.
This session will discuss the past, present, and future of SGLT2i trials in CKD, from CREDENCE, through DAPA-CKD, and EMPA-Kidney. Topics will include the safety of SGLT2i in CKD, who will benefit from SGLT2i therapy, consistency of outcomes across meta-analyses, and the mechanistic rational for kidney benefits with these agents. Finally, we will look to the future with a discussion of EMPA-Kidney trial, and the FLOW trial assessing a GLP-1RA.
Joining the co-chairs are Dick De Zeeuw (Groningen, Netherlands), Hiddo Heerspink (Groningen, Netherlands); David Wheeler (London, England), Peter Rossing (Copenhagen, Denmark), Meg Jardine (Sydney, Australia), Christoph Wanner (Würzburg, Germany), and Jeffrey Testani (New Haven, USA). Additional clinical and research experts will be participating in a moderated, multi-stakeholder, expert panel debate, along with representatives from pharmaceutical trial sponsors, such as Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, and AstraZeneca.